Friday, January 15, 2010

Bass Tag (Logan Square)


Tagged door.

Broken Heart (Logan Square)

Someone's been tagging and making posters of this broken heart wearing a crown around the neighborhood.

BAD Acid Etching (Logan Square)

Acid Etching by BAD crew.

I Love You!!! (Logan Square)

I Love You!!!

Etched Air Conditioner (Logan Square)

An etched air conditioner. Viking/Thief/Cancer Carl.

Stickered Sign (Logan Square)

Looks like, no matter what, this sign always stays covered. Really nice choice of sticker by HAMER.

Back of Global Warming Sign (Logan Square)

I don't know who draws that shape, but I've seen it before and I really like it..

Stop Global Warming (Stop Sign#1 - Logan Square)

I thought this was pretty clever.

Back of a Bench (Logan Square)

The back of a bench on Fullerton Ave. This thing's like a guest book of notable Chicago taggers and crews (Her/Hamer).

Thief/Human Tag (Logan Square)

Taggers Thief and Human hit the same spot. Thief's been getting up a lot lately, both in Logan Square and out. I've seen some really large pieces of his from the train that I'm going to try and snap.

Empty Thoughts (Logan Square)

One of these stick-figure characters was drawn near the Logan Square blue line stop last week, but when I checked on it today it was gone! Thankfully, I found another one in an alley a couple blocks away. Cute little bugger, ain't he?

Ear/TPC combo (Logan Square)

Ear tag and TPC bomb combo on Kimball. A match made in heaven.

Cool Stencil (Logan Square)

Here's a really neat stencil I stumbled upon in an alley.

Thug (Logan Square)

It's a Thug Life boys n' girls.

Ear Bomb (Logan Square)

Been seeing this guy more and more lately. In a relatively short time, Ear seems to be getting up a whole lot. This big ol' bomb is tucked away in an alley off of Fullerton Ave. I'm interested to see how he progresses...

Loony Tag (Logan Square)

Here's a tag on Milwaukee Ave by Loony of BAD crew. This guy stays busy, and gets up a lot in Logan Square in particular. Acid etchings and spray tags seem to be Loony's calling cards, and he's good at them. Notorious for tagging over buffs. Way to be.

Installed Art Piece (Logan Square)

Don't know who this person is, but I'd love to see more from them. This piece on Fullerton Ave. has literally been up for months. Props on the staying power. And its multimedia faculties make it all the more appealing to look at.

Goon/Viking Poster (Logan Square)

Here's a poster I found on Milwaukee Ave. A collaboration between legendary Chicago street artists The Viking and Goonsky. These guys tag, wheat paste and throws up stickers for days. Classic Goon-type character seen in a lot of his other stickers and paste-ups.

Writing on the Wall

Hello Everyone,

This blog is dedicated to Chicago graffiti art and the writers who make it the vibrant scene that it is. Throughout the year, I will update this blog with pictures and descriptions of some of the best pieces I come across from all over the city. If anyone out there knows where something good is, let me know so I can go snap it. Or, take a picture of it yourself and mention where it is located and I will give you credit for the picture. I'm compiling these images to display the fact that there is just as much versatility and skill involved in good graffiti as there is with other forms of art. Hope you enjoy it, and feel free to leave a comment!
