Saturday, October 29, 2011

Viking & Solve Tribute (RIP) on a Dumpster (Logan Square)


  1. I doubt this has anything to do with Solve, or Viking for that matter, although I'd be pleasantly surprised to receive information to establish I'm wrong. As far as I've been able to determine, the first time this appeared in Chicago street art was early 2010, long after Solve was killed, and never with any explicit association with Viking, and the latest records of it around Chicago are August, 2010, until this flik posted here in October, 2011. But I wonder how long the tag was on the dumpster before you found it? Anyway, if you have some information to tie the tag, as shown here and in other places in Chicago, to Solve or Viking or both, I'd very much appreciate your sharing it with me. I wouldn't be surprised if there is such an association, but I've not been able to find any evidence of one. Thanks. And thanks for this blog, which is great!

  2. Sorry I forgot this in my comment of earlier today: If you want to contact me about this outside this public forum, you could do so at solvesdad at solvelives dot com. Thanks.
